Credit Sales and Credit Reports - hmlsearch_dir_bctitle

Common Defenses in Small Claims Cases (Third Party Collections)

Is the company suing you for a debt not the company who loaned you the money? If so, you might be able to get the case dismissed. Do-it-yourself request for dismissal forms available here.

Consumer Rights and Credit Sales

from the Maine Attorney General's Consumer Law Guide

Downeaster Consumer Guide to Credit Bureaus and Credit Reports

Learn about the laws that govern the credit industry, what to do if you're tunred down for credit, how to get your credit reports, and more.

FTC Credit Card Calculator

Use this online tool to estimate how long it will take you to pay off your credit card balance.

Information for Older Consumers

The National Consumer Law Center addresses many common consumer issues including: debt collection harassment, foreclosure, bankruptcy, credit issues, and more.

Maine Office of Consumer Credit Regulation: Consumer Rights

Covers state laws relating to consumer credit, debt collection, credit reporting and other non-bank consumer financial activities.

Money and Credit

The Federal Trade Commission consumer information on Money and Credit topics. Includes topics such as: Buying and Owning a Car, Dealing with Debt, and more.

Obtaining a Credit Report

Tips from the Maine Office of Credit Regulation

Office of Consumer Credit Regulation

This state agency is charged with protecting Maine citizens from unfair and deceptive consumer credit and collection practices. If you think that you may have been treated illegally, you can file an on-line complaint.

Pre-Paid Debit Cards: Are They a Good Deal?

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of using a pre-paid debit card and what to watch out for when selecting one.